Accepted Papers
- Regis Alenda and Nicola Olivetti
- CsymLean: a Theorem Prover for the Logic CSL over Symmetric Minspaces
- Vincent Aravantinos and Nicolas Peltier
- Schemata of SMT problems
- Arnon Avron and Ori Lahav
- Kripke Semantics for Basic Sequent Systems
- Laura Bozzelli and Ruggero Lanotte
- Hybrid and first-order complete extensions of CARET
- Davide Bresolin, Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala and Guido Sciavicco
- Optimal Tableau Systems for Propositional Neighborhood Logic over All, Dense, and Discrete Linear Orders
- James Brotherston and Rajeev Gore
- Craig Interpolation in Displayable Logics
- Serenella Cerrito and Marta Cialdea Mayer
- A Tableaux Based Decision Procedure for a Broad Class of Hybrid Formulae with Binders
- Agata Ciabattoni, Ori Lahav and Anna Zamansky
- Basic Constructive Connectives, Determinism and Matrix-based Semantics
- Anupam Das
- On the Proof Complexity of Cut-Free Bounded Deep Inference
- Oliver Friedmann and Martin Lange
- The Modal mu-Calculus Caught Off Guard
- Valerio Genovese, Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi and Gian Luca Pozzato
- A conditional constructive logic for access control and its sequent calculus
- Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti and Gian Luca Pozzato
- A tableau calculus for a nonmonotonic extension of EL?
- Mark Kaminski, Thomas Schneider and Gert Smolka
- Correctness and worst-case optimality of Pratt-style decision procedures for modal and hybrid logics
- Bjoern Lellmann and Dirk Pattinson
- Cut Elimination for Modal Logics with Shallow Axioms
- Jens Otten
- A Non-Clausal Connection Calculus
- Dmitry Tishkovsky, Renate A. Schmidt and Mohammad Khodadadi
- MetTeL: A Tableau Prover with Logic-Independent Inference Engine
- Alwen Tiu
- A Hypersequent System for Goedel-Dummet Logic with Non-Constant Domains
- Josef Urban, Jiri Vyskocil and Petr Stepanek
- MaLeCoP: A Machine Learning Connection Prover