All talks take place in room B5 unless otherwise noted.

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Monday 4 July

FTP 2011 will take place in room B77 (see details)

GSB 2011 will take place in room B78 (see details)

10.00-11.00Monitoring First-order Temporal PropertiesNested Sequents and Prefixed Tableaus
 Felix Klaedtke (Invited Talk)Melvin Fitting (Invited Talk)
11.00-11.30Coffee Break
11.30-12.00Implementing and Evaluating Theorem Provers for First-Order Modal LogicsSome Remarks on Nested Sequent Systems for Modal Logics
 Thomas Raths and Jens OttenLutz Straßburger
12.00-11.30Generating Schemata of Resolution ProofsConstructive Realization in Justfication Logics via Nested Sequents
 Vincent Aravantinos and Nicolas PeltierRemo Goetschi
 Incremental Variable SplittingSequent Calculus for Justifications
 Christian Mahesh Hansen, Martin Giese, Arild Waaler and Roger AntonsenYury Savateev
14.30-15.00Modular Termination and Combinability for Superposition Modulo Counter ArithmeticA Symmetric Natural Deduction
 Christophe Ringeissen and Valerio SenniMichel Parigot
15.00-15.30QMaxSAT version 0.3 & 0.4 
 Xuanye An, Miyuki Koshimura, Hiroshi Fujita and Ryuzo Hasegawa 
15.30-16.00Unification in a Theory of Blind SignaturesA Tentative Atomic Calculus for Natural Deduction
 Serdar Erbatur, Christopher Lynch and Paliath NarendranTom Gundersen
16.00-16.30Coffee Break
16.30-17.00FTP Business MeetingOn the correspondence between display postulates and deep inference in nested sequent calculi for tense logics
  Alwen Tiu
17.00-17.30 Definite and Indefinite Descriptions
  Norbert Gratzl
20.00Workshop Dinner

Tuesday 5 July

09.30-10.30On Interpolation in Decision Procedures
 Maria Paola Bonacina (Invited Talk)
10.30-11.00Coffee Break
Session 1 (Chair: Neil Murray)
11.00-11.30The Modal mu-Calculus Caught Off Guard
 Oliver Friedmann and Martin Lange
11.30-12.00Hybrid and First-order Complete Extensions of CARET
 Laura Bozzelli and Ruggero Lanotte
12.00-12.30Correctness and Worst-case Optimality of Pratt-style Decision Procedures for Modal and Hybrid Logics
 Mark Kaminski, Thomas Schneider and Gert Smolka
12.30-13.00A Tableaux Based Decision Procedure for a Broad Class of Hybrid Formulae with Binders
 Serenalla Cerito and Marta Cialdea Mayer
Session 2 (Chair: Nicola Olivetti)
14.30-15.00Kripke Semantics for Basic Sequent Systems
 Arnon Avron and Ori Lahav
15.00-15.30Basic Constructive Connectives, Determinism and Matrix-based Semantics
 Agata Ciabattoni, Ori Lahav and Anna Zamansky
15.30-16.00A Hypersequent System for Goedel-Dummet Logic with Non-Constant Domains
 Alwen Tiu
16.00-16.30Coffee Break
16.30-17.30Walk from Conference Venue to Rosengarten Restaurant
17.30-18.30Welcome Reception in Rosengarten Restaurant

Wednesday 6 July

 Tableaux(-like) Methods for the Satisfiability Problems of Temporal Logics (B77)
 Martin Lange
 Introduction to Proof Nets (B78)
 Lutz Straßburger
11.00-11.30Coffee Break
 Tableaux(-like) Methods for the Satisfiability Problems of Temporal Logics (B77)
 Martin Lange
 Introduction to Proof Nets (B78)
 Lutz Straßburger
Session 3 (Chair: Rajeev Gore)
14.30-15.00A Non-Clausal Connection Calculus
 Jens Otten
15.00-15.30Schemata of SMT problems
 Vincent Aravantinos and Nicolas Peltier
15.30-16.00CsymLean: a Theorem Prover for the Logic CSL over Symmetric Minspaces
 Regis Alenda and Nicola Olivetti
16.00-16.30Coffee Break
Session 4 (Chair: Martin Giese)
16.30-16.50A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Prime Implicates
 Andrew Matusiewicz
16.50-17.10Dialogue Games for Classical Logic
 Jesse Alama, Sara L. Uckelman and Aleks Knoks
17.10-18.30Tableaux Business Meeting

Thursday 7 July

09.30-10.30Proof Theory and Algebra in Substructural Logics
 Kazushige Terui (Invited Talk)
10.30-11.00Coffee Break
Session 5 (Chair: Arnon Avron)
11.00-11.30Cut Elimination for Modal Logics with Shallow Axioms
 Bjoern Lellmann and Dirk Pattinson
11.30-12.00Craig Interpolation in Displayable Logics
 James Brotherston and Rajeev Gore
12.00-12.30On the Proof Complexity of Cut-Free Bounded Deep Inference
 Anupam Das
12.30-13.00A Tableau Calculus for a Nonmonotonic Extension of EL\bot
 Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti and Gian Luca Pozzato
19.30-22.30Dinner at Kornhauskeller Restaurant

Friday 8 July

09.30-10.30First-order Tableaux in Applications
 Ulrich Furbach (Invited Talk)
10.30-11.00Coffee Break
Session 6 (Chair: Jens Otten)
11.00-11.30MaLeCoP: A Machine Learning Connection Prover
 Josef Urban, Jiri Vyskocil and Petr Stepanek
11.30-12.00MetTeL: A Tableau Prover with Logic-Independent Inference Engine
 Dmitry Tishkovsky, Renate A. Schmidt and Mohammed Khodadidi
12.00-12.30A Conditional Constructive Logic for Access Control and its Sequent Calculus
 Valerio Genevose, Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi and Gian Luca Pozzato
12.30-13.00Optimal Tableau Systems for Propositional Neighborhood Logic over All, Dense, and Discrete Linear Orders
 Davide Bresolin, Angelo Montanari, Pietro Sala and Guido Sciavicco